Ramadan is one of the most celebrated holidays in Palestine and a large portion of the population observes the practice of fasting from sunrise to sundown. As the date of Ramadan is determined by the Islamic calendar not the Gregorian, you may want to double check if the dates of your trip correspond with Ramadan. If you are travelling during Ramadan, please note that since most people will be fasting, nearly all shops and restaurants will be closed duringthe day time. It is also considered insensitive to eat or drink in public at this time and it would be advised to eat and drink in private before touring. While this may seem a little inconvenient, Ramadan can be a wonderful time to visit and joining an iftar (fast breaking) dinner would be an excellent addition to your trip. Charity and giving are also essential aspects of Ramadan and the community is often more bonded and generous during this time which can be wonderful to witness.
It also important to note that Friday (Jumuah) is the Islamic holy day and most shops and many restaurants are closed but some may open up later in the afternoon/evening. Since Ramallah is also home to many Christians, the weekend for many organizations and schools is Friday and Sunday with people returning on Saturday to work or school. Throughout the rest of Palestine, however, the Friday/Saturday weekend is more common. Because of the split weekend, it is good to check the days of operation for any organization or establishment you’d like to visit in advance.